Some Interchange case examples

Prospective clients are always interested in examples of situations where the Interchange Team co-designed a minimalist intervention with a client and the outcomes achieved. We are providing two different types of examples.

The first type includes six brief examples, MI Briefs. Each MI Brief begins with a short description of the existing situation along with a summary of the results of the minimalist intervention. The reader will note that each case is labeled with an Operation Name. These Operation Names are a type of coded reference to the case that will make perfect sense to the client but appear largely or totally irrelevant to anyone else, disguising things for confidentiality reasons. Our MI Briefs can be found by clicking the button below.

For those interested in a bit more detail about specific situations with a glimpse into how Interchange went about the design of the minimalist interventions, we also make available two longer case studies for your perusal. Each of these longer cases are available by clicking on the buttons below.
