Every corporate leader has had experiences where they've had some big success, and
looked back and realized it was just one or two small things that they did that made
all the difference.
If only they'd known exactly what to do early on – make that one phone call, have
that chat over coffee with one person, whatever it was – it would have saved a hell of a
lot of effort.
Usually, we just happen upon these small but pivotal actions by chance. But what if it was possible to craft
that small event deliberately, in advance, and ensure a positive outcome? What if you’d
known that was all that you needed to do?
That is precisely what we offer. We call it Minimalist Intervention. Minimalist interventions achieve comprehensive results with minimal effort. Minimalist interventions are low risk and deliver impressive returns.
Interchange works with you to pinpoint in advance the small actions that will get you
what you want in your unique situation.
Sometimes, a small event can make a big difference. We make that happen by